Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Practice for Putting In Contact Lenses

A common concern for people looking to buy contact lenses is if putting them in their eyes will hurt. Of course, it doesn't hurt everyone, but they still wonder "will it hurt <em>me</em>? This video demonstrates a way to practice contact lens inserting before buying the lenses

If you have difficulty holding your eye open as alarmingly wide as that gentleman did, don't worry: it get's easier with practice! Once you learn the sensations you can suppress your blink reflex well enough to touch your eyeball, as demonstrated.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Introduction to Contact Lenses

The thought of putting something onto your eyeball is unnerving for many people! To be certain, it can be unpleasant the first few times, however with the care of an optometrists (or their assistant) first-time contact lens wearers quickly learn the proper insertion techniques. Here is my quick guide to starting with contact lenses:

  1. Find a local optometrist. Check an optometrist directory such as to find local eye doctors. Most optometrists can dispense contact lenses, but call ahead to make sure.
  2. Make an appointment, and show up on time. Optometrists are rarely impressed by late patients.
  3. The optometrist will assess your eyes and determine if you can safely wear contacts. If so, they can fit you with a trial pair to test for comfort.
  4. Order a supply of contact lenses. You can order them with you optometrist, or if they don't carry what you need, you can order contact online at
  5. Remember to follow your optometrist's instructions for proper care and handling! Change your lenses on schedule to avoid dangerous eye infections.