Sunday, May 1, 2011

EmPower: World's first electronic glasses promise end to bifocal frames | Mail Online

  • The lenses contain a thin layer of liquid crystal that changes its alignment when prompted

They may look like an ordinary pair of spectacles, but these glasses are at the forefront of a revolution in eyewear.

Part of a new line of electronic eye glasses called emPower, they allow bifocal wearers to switch between different prescription settings for reading and more distant viewing.

emPower spectacles contain the world's first electronic focusing lenses. 

The lenses contain a thin layer of liquid crystal that changes its alignment when prompted, thereby changing the strength of focus.

Scroll down for video

Electronic focusing: The emPower range of glasses have lenses that contain a thin layer of liquid crystal that changes its alignment when prompted, thereby altering the strength of focus

Electronic focusing: The emPower range of glasses have lenses that contain a thin layer of liquid crystal that changes its alignment when prompted, thereby altering the strength of focus

People who wear bifocal glasses know all about how the distorted view they get when looking downwards at the ground.

All the emPower wearer needs to do is tilt his head downward or manually touch the frame and the reading prescription is activated - and vice versa.

emPower manufacturer PixelOptics promises the new glasses will be 'fabricated in all prescriptions... and will be available in numerous high-fashion styles, shapes, sizes and colours'.

The glasses were unveiled last month during the International Vision Expo East in New York and are set for a U.S. release this summer.

Each eight-hour battery charge allows for two-to-three days of switching between focus settings.

The frames have three settings - automatic, manual on and manual off - allowing the wearer to remain fully in control.

One potential drawback is their cost - a pair will set you back between $1,000 and £1,250, although that includes the frames, lenses , coatings and charger.

PixelOptics has been developing its emPower glasses for 12 years and has filed 275 patents in the U.S. during the process.

This is amazing. Finally, LCD technology making a way into practical every optical products. I've yet to see a functional LCD electric sunglasses, but I'm hoping that's also in the works.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Robert Pattinson is the Sissiest Vampire Ever

Robert Pattinson has admitted that he is still unable to get his contact lenses in by himself. When he is on the Twilight set, the 24-year-old actor still needs two people to help him get his colored lenses in.

In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, Pattinson revealed his frustration: 'My God, I'll be glad to see the last of those. I actually want to get some kind of plastic explosive. I want to reanimate them into something so I can kill them.

I'm sorry but it must be said. Most people I know who got contacts were scared of "touching their eye" at first, but everyone got over it... usually in about 2 minutes.

But Robert Pattinson has been squirming about it for years now. Maybe it's because he has the luxury of 2 assistants to hold him down. A little tough love won't hurt here... "contacts done in 5 or no million dollar salaries for you!"

Contact Lenses News :: Eye myths debunked

Plenty of myths exist surrounding eye care and vision and one news provider has set out to debunk them.

Dr Kenneth McCandless, an optometrist from Las Vegas, told the Las Vegas Review Journal it is untrue that people with dry eyes cannot wear contact lenses.

He said dry eyes "can cause more discomfort and decreased wearing time of contact lenses", but good optometrists can help evaluate the condition to help tailor individual treatment options.

This is very true, and good news for dry eye people!

I've always had dry eyes, so much that I participated in several contact lens studies for dry eyed people. However I still wear contact lenses, just not as long as most other people. I wear them for sports and some special events, but rarely for more than 5 hours at a time, often less than three.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Swimming With Contact Lenses - Use Goggles

According to a new study, wearing swim goggles over contact lenses while swimming can reduce the accumulation of bacteria on contact lenses and may thereby reduce eye infection risk for swimmers.

Although there are always risks swimming with contact lenses in (lakes, rivers, ocean, and pools), it's now been proven that wearing goggles reduces the level of bacterial accumulation on the lens, and likely reduces the chances of eye infection. This is good news for myopic hydrophilics but keep in mind it's safer to get prescription swim goggles.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Camden Fashion Contact Lenses

TORONTO, ON – Edit Fashion Contact Lenses, which cover a variety of themes such as Halloween, Movie and UV as well as coloured contact lenses, are now available in Canada from Camden.

Edit Eye Accessories are manufactured in accordance with cosmetic standards and deemed by law to be a cosmetic fashion eye accessory. They are governed by the EU Cosmetics Directive and Health Canada. The lenses are non-corrective so no prescription is required. They are notoptically enhanced. 

Camden reports that it currently offers 81 designs of contact lenses but plans are in place to add new designs every few months. New designs will include popular brands of officially licensed contact lenses. In addition, businesses can create their own custom contact lens designs. Possible promotional uses include: New product launch, business opening, company logo promo, giveaway and exhibition gift.

All contact lens orders are shipped with free brochures, and posters as required by customers. The packaging is fully bilingual. There are four different P.O.P. displays available, depending on the customer's needs. EDIT contact lenses start at S.R.P. $19.99 per pair.

Here is another line of contact lenses to add to the choices Canadians have when shopping for contacts online

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lady Gaga Bad Romance Look With Circular Contact Lenses

This fantastic video shows how you can get a "Bad Romance" look just like Lady Gaga (or similar at least) using basic cosmetics. She also used circular contact lenses, which are a type of cosmetic lens intended to make the iris look bigger than normal. The effect is a bit cartoonish and rather like Japanese anime. The video goes a step further, showing how a bit of video editing can make the effect far more pronounced (frightening even?). Check it out: 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Practice for Putting In Contact Lenses

A common concern for people looking to buy contact lenses is if putting them in their eyes will hurt. Of course, it doesn't hurt everyone, but they still wonder "will it hurt <em>me</em>? This video demonstrates a way to practice contact lens inserting before buying the lenses

If you have difficulty holding your eye open as alarmingly wide as that gentleman did, don't worry: it get's easier with practice! Once you learn the sensations you can suppress your blink reflex well enough to touch your eyeball, as demonstrated.