Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Robert Pattinson is the Sissiest Vampire Ever

Robert Pattinson has admitted that he is still unable to get his contact lenses in by himself. When he is on the Twilight set, the 24-year-old actor still needs two people to help him get his colored lenses in.

In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, Pattinson revealed his frustration: 'My God, I'll be glad to see the last of those. I actually want to get some kind of plastic explosive. I want to reanimate them into something so I can kill them.

I'm sorry but it must be said. Most people I know who got contacts were scared of "touching their eye" at first, but everyone got over it... usually in about 2 minutes.

But Robert Pattinson has been squirming about it for years now. Maybe it's because he has the luxury of 2 assistants to hold him down. A little tough love won't hurt here... "contacts done in 5 or no million dollar salaries for you!"

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